Operations Sergeant


Sgt. Eli Postlethwait



The Records Division is responsible for maintaining the reports issued by the Sheriff's Office deputies and employees. These reports are an account of criminal investigations, incidents arrests, and/or activities relevant to our law enforcement function. The report may be a part of an official record, which is used as a basis for evaluation regarding further investigative needs and what has been accomplished.  

General Information

If you would like to request a report, we ask that you make your request through the Jackson County Public Records Center at: Jackson County, MO Public Records Center (govqa.us)

  • If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out via email at: JCSORECORDS@Jacksongov.org or by phone at 816.541.8017. 
  • It is important to remember, public records are sometimes required to be redacted, and as such, the Sheriff's Office redacts its records in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law (RSMo 610.100). If a report is subject to a high amount of redactions, we will try to communicate this information however, you are still welcome to make the records request. 
  • The Jackson County Sheriff's Office charges for all reports in accordance to the Missouri Sunshine Law (RSMo 610.100).


Off-Duty Employment

  • Hire an Off-Duty Deputy
  • Businesses, or individuals interested in hiring Jackson County Sheriffs Office deputies in an off duty capacity should note the below information:
  • Current hourly rates are:
  • $38 for Deputies
  • $44 for Sergeants

Employers at their request may offer to pay more than the established hourly minimum based on supply and demand. 
Holiday pay (based on county recognized national holidays) is one and 1/2 the normal off duty rate.

Current holiday pay will be compensated as follows:

  • $57 for Deputies
  • $66 for sergeants

Other restrictions regarding off duty employment:

  • Deputies will be paid for a minimum of four hours employment.
  • There is a 72 hour cancellation policy.
  • Deputies will be paid by cash or check at the end of the off-duty, unless otherwise approved by the sheriff of Jackson County Missouri.

The Jackson County Sheriffs Office does not automatically provide Worker’s Compensation or general liability coverage for off-duty employment. The funds budgeted to the Jackson County Sheriffs Office covers general liability for acts and omissions by members of the Jackson County Sheriffs Office that occurred under the color of the law. As Such, Worker’s Compensation and general liability coverage for off-duty deputies is decided on a case by case basis in accordance with the Sheriffs Office policies and procedures. Any injury to the deputy, damage that may occur to the deputies property or any county owned property will be the responsibility of the subject requesting the off-duty

The Jackson County Sheriffs Office cannot guarantee a request for off-duty services will be filed and/or covered. Any arrangements made with members of the sheriff's office are done so in good faith. Advanced arrangements for off-duty employment (30 to 45 days in advance) is highly recommended. The legal authority vested in a sworn law enforcement member working off duty employment is limited to the enforcement of federal law, state law and county ordinances. Deputies cannot use police authority to enforce a private employer's policies or regulations. For more specific inquiries, or to discuss potential employment of off-duty deputies, please contact the off-duty coordinator during the hours of 9 AM to 5 PM (Monday through Friday). Sgt. Eli Postlethwait at 816.541.8017 Ext. 72237 or by email, EPostlethwait@Jacksongov.org